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ABA in PA Initiative
Update on HB19:
Work on the bill progresses. With the appropriation hearings that are preparing for the annual budget taking the priority for most lawmakers and lobbyists in Harrisburg, our lobbyist used this to our advantage. She was able to plant a question about HB19 in a public forum to the OHMSAS secretary. Using the Secretary’s answer as an opening, we are working to get a meeting directly with this Secretary to share our story and get support for HB19.
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Our Vision
Members volunteer their time & efforts to develop resources to educate families & individuals on ABA, effective treatments, evidence-based treatment for autism & where/how to access services.
Attract highly-qualified individuals to Pennsylvania & encourage those already practicing under state regulations to stay here.
Develop high quality future clinicians through supervision & experience standards that align with the BACB (Behavior Analyst Certification Board).
Member agencies demonstrate a commitment to consistent high quality & ethical ABA practices.
ABA in PA Initiative
The ABAinPA Initiative is an advocacy organization made up of individuals, families, industry professionals, lawmakers and others dedicated to improving the future for those in Pennsylvania by ensuring access to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy.