Agency Directory

Use the link below to access a list of almost 200 ABA providers and agencies throughout Pennsylvania. Many of whom also provide social skills programs.

Search by county or other criteria to compare, select providers and access their contact information.

Autism Treatment Resources in PA - Infinity Wheel

Welcome to the ABA in PA Agency Directory

Please use the search bar to locate an agency in your county. You may also print or download the complete directory below.
Type your query into the search bar and the results will automatically appear. You may click the “x” to clear the search field.

*While data-table is best viewed on a desktop, information may display differently on different devices.

Meliora Health

Accessible and Expert Virtual Autism and ADHD Diagnostic Assessments for Children and Teens.

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ABA In PA’s mission is to increase access to qualified professionals, behavior analytic services, and ensure that our ABA providers have the highest level of expertise.

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ABA in PA Initiative works to ensure access to ethical, identity-affirming ABA that centers on improving quality of life to anyone who needs it, at any stage.

Our mission is to increase access to qualified professionals, behavior analytic services & ensure that our ABA providers have the highest level of expertise.

ABA in PA Initiative

The ABAinPA Initiative is an advocacy organization made up of individuals, families, industry professionals, lawmakers and others dedicated to improving the future for those in Pennsylvania by ensuring access to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy.